We are an 18+ FiveM community with the goal of making the best world possible for GTA RP. Custom vehicles, EUP, scripts all make our world a fantastic world to visit.

Our rules and procedures offer a free and creative place to RP with few restrictions. We love creativity and we love content creators. We encourage recording and streaming for everyone.



Multiple jurisdictions for Law Enforcement Officers to opperate.


Fire and EMS departments are fully equipped with many vehicles and tools.


Civilians have opportunities to walk the straight path or to live a life of crime.


We have special events regularly to change up the activity. We have a full post-apocalyptic ZOMBIE server - The Dead World as well as our RedM server - The Fake West. We have nights during the month that we plan and switch it up to one of these other servers for the night. Sometimes we have events inside of The Fake World to allow community to gather and do something fun and different.
The server is sponsored by and run by the staff and friends of Big Daddy Scripts.

So the server contains the most recent scripts from Big Daddy and even things that are not released to the public.

In addition we have multiple very talented people working custom vehicles, EUP and tweaking interiors and items around the state.

This server does not run any of the frameworks for FiveM other than some standard money and character stuff. There is no “life RP” here. It’s free RP and up to you how you want to play.

There are job scripts, crime scripts, and freedom to enjoy a short scene or long play linear RP that lasts days or even weeks.

What we want more than anything is everyone to approach their RP with the idea in mind that they are doing it for EVERYONE around them to enjoy.

We encourge content creators and streamers to do their thing. No special permission needed. We support content creation for everyone.

We have no ranks, no heirarchies. There are members, and all members are equal, including owner and admins. There is no seniority, no rank. We all play as equals. If you want power, you don't want to be here.


New Horizon Hosting - Official host of The Fake World

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